At people&baby, 14,000 children come to daycare every morning with a smile on their face, thanks to our unique quality of care !

Specialising in early childhood facilities, our architects design beautiful daycare centres that are a delight to explore.

Crèches Pour Tous, the 1st daycare centre network in France

people&baby runs Crèches Pour Tous, the 1st daycare centre network with more than 3,160 partner structures approved by the CAF and the PMI., the new online shop for children's products

Save money by shopping at the best price on over 3,500 products tested and selected by daycare centre professionals.

Crèche Solidarité Emploi, a people&baby partnership with Pôle emploi

Are you unemployed? You can take advantage of an emergency priority place to make it easier for you to find a job.