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Crèche Solidarité Emploi

The "Crèche Solidarité Emploi" scheme, created by people&baby in partnership with Pôle emploi in March 2014, makes crèche places available to jobseekers.

What is "Crèche Solidarité Emploi"?

The "Crèche Solidarité Emploi" scheme enables job-seeking parents to take advantage of a crèche place for their child while they go through the process of finding a new job: research, job interviews or training.

The job-seeking parent is offered an occasional place in the crèche of his or her choice within the people&baby network (subject to availability).

What are the conditions for benefiting from "Crèche Solidarité Emploi"?

To benefit from the scheme, you must be registered with France Travail (the new name of Pôle Emploi since January 1, 2024) and hold a "job seeker's certificate" dated less than 15 days.

What are the nursery fees under the "Crèche Solidarité Emploi" scheme?

  • In PAJE micro-crèches (11 children or less): a preferential rate of €15 per half-day is offered (vs. €35 per half-day at the usual rate).
  • In multi-accueil crèches (more than 11 children) and PSU micro-crèches (11 children or less): the hourly rate is determined according to the annual CNAF scale, based on income and the number of dependent children in the household.

These rates are subject to a minimum 6-hour day (either morning or afternoon). 

How do I reserve a crèche place under the "Crèche Solidarité Emploi" scheme

1. Create your space on www.crecheslib.com and upload the documents listed, including a jobseeker's certificate less than 15 days old. The crècheslib service validates the space and the possibility of making reservations in the crèches of your choice within a maximum of 24 hours (working days).

2. Choose your crèche and indicate the desired start date

3. Pay online (secure payment)

4. Drop off your child on D-day

Request a day of childcare in one of our centres

Learn more about our educational mission, our policies for creating centres, and our bio en crèche label.

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